Temecula Child Support Lawyer

Temecula Child Support Lawyer

Temecula Child Support Attorney

If you’re worried about paying child support in California, an experienced Temecula child support lawyer can help you lower payments to something more affordable for you. Since it is the parents’ legal obligation to financially care for their children, your lawyer cannot persuade the courts to have the payments eliminated entirely. However, they may be able to dispute the calculations to find a just amount that works better for your finances.

The Law Offices of Michelanne Hrubic hold many years of experience working in child support cases and understand the stress this can put on a household. As a trusted family law attorney, We offer compassionate counsel to help lighten your burden while you continue to provide financial care to your children.

hire best temecula child support lawyer

How Is Child Support Determined?

Child support helps provide for your dependents’ basic needs after a separation or divorce. When the courts determine the amount of child support owed, they consider both parents’ income and the child custody arrangement made. If one parent has more custody rights, the noncustodial parent is legally obligated to pay child support regularly.

The total of the child support payments varies based on the noncustodial parent’s income. The basis for this payment is determined using California’s statewide guideline formula, which considers factors such as both parents’ income, custody arrangements, and other financial obligations, rather than a fixed percentage.

These payments change throughout the custody agreement terms, depending on the payee’s income. Payments continue until the child reaches 18 years old, is legally emancipated, or passes away.

How a Child Support Lawyer Can Help Reduce Child Support Payments

The Law Offices of Michelanne Hrubic work for you to ensure reasonable and fair child support payments. If you encounter an issue that makes paying child support more difficult, and you need to have the amount adjusted, we can help you navigate the process of modifying your payments legally.

The more compelling your argument and evidence, the more likely it is that the courts would allow you to decrease your support payments. Our experienced Temecula child support lawyers can help you create a strong case in your favor.

Your child support lawyer helps by:

  • Identifying the reason for the modification request
  • Explaining the process and necessary steps
  • Gathering all supporting documentation, such as tax returns and pay stubs
  • Facilitating negotiations with the custodial parent to avoid further legal hearings
  • Persuading the court to consider the change if negotiations with the custodial parent fail
  • Challenging any false child support claims made against you

Your change in circumstances must be fairly significant for the court to consider lowering payments. Regardless of the situation, the court will still place priority on your children’s well-being and their specific financial needs, which are required to ensure their care and stability. In this case, you are required to fulfill the minimum child support requirements under California law to ensure your child’s welfare.

It’s possible to go through this process without a lawyer. However, a skilled lawyer with experience in child support law and legal hearings can help you put together a stronger case with a greater likelihood of success.

Penalties for Not Paying Child Support

If the custodial parent does not receive child support payments, they can take legal action against the non-paying parent. In this event, the courts may hold the non-payer in contempt and require them to pay all missing payments plus interest. If the refusal to pay has continued for a long period of time, the non-payer might also have to pay a penalty and cover the costs for the custodial parent’s attorney.

In the event that payments cannot be made due to extenuating circumstances, it’s imperative to notify the courts immediately. Failure to do so could result in wage garnishment, which involves the non-custodial parent’s place of employment deducting money from their paycheck automatically.

Failure to pay could result in a felony or misdemeanor criminal charge. In some cases, you may be sentenced to jail time. Other consequences could also include the revocation of licenses, such as professional licenses, hunting or boating licenses, and even your driver’s license.


Can a Good Lawyer Get You Out of Child Support?

No, your lawyer cannot completely get you out of child support payments. Financially supporting your children is considered your legal obligation in California. However, an experienced child support lawyer can help you reduce your payments significantly if you have a change in circumstances, such as a change in your custody agreement or losing income.

How Much Child Support Should a Father Pay in California?

When determining the amount of child support payable in California, the courts consider the income of both parents, the custody agreement, and how many children are involved. Child support payments in Temecula, California are calculated using a statewide guideline formula that considers both parents’ income, custody arrangements, and other financial factors, rather than a fixed percentage.

How Can I Legally Stop Paying Child Support in California?

To legally stop paying child support in California, you can try to contact the California State Child Support agency to have payments terminated. However, it’s more likely you’ll need to complete the required paperwork and file a motion with the courts. You need to provide proof of significant life changes, such as a decrease in income. The forms will go to the other party involved and a hearing will take place.

How Much Do Child Custody Lawyers Cost in California?

Most child custody lawyers charge per hour for their services. The complexity of your situation determines how much time it takes for an attorney to work on your case. When you have your initial consultation with your Temecula child support lawyer, you can have them give you an idea of the time your case may require and have a better idea of the overall cost.

Contact Our Lawyers Team to Get Help with Your Child Support Case

Our Temecula team at Law Offices of Michelanne Hrubic can help you navigate all aspects of your child support case. Many considerations must be made when determining your payment. Whether you’re making child support payments or the one receiving them, we aim to ensure that the calculated amount is fair for both parties.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation to discuss the terms of your child support case.


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