Murrieta Domestic Violence Attorney

Murrieta Domestic Violence Attorney

Murrieta Domestic Violence Defense Attorney

Domestic violence offenses are some of the most common crimes in the US, with over three million incidents reported every year across the nation. However, this figure far under represents the number of victims who suffer at the hands of their intimate partners. People who have never experienced abuse may look at these situations from the outside and wonder why the victim didn’t come forward, but over 50% of domestic violence cases go unreported, and this happens for a variety of reasons. Abusers are incredibly manipulative, often displaying extreme violence only to apologize afterward, claim it was a one-time mistake, shower their victims with affection, or even make them doubt the abuse occurred at all.

Victims may feel shame and embarrassment, be convinced that what they are experiencing is not truly abuse, or even think the abuse is their fault. In many cases, they are economically dependent on their abuser and simply cannot afford to leave, especially when children are involved. Research shows abusive behavior continues to escalate when it goes unaddressed, but the most dangerous time for victims is when they attempt to separate from their abusers, so it can seem impossible to determine the safest course of action.

If you are experiencing intimate partner abuse, having a Murrieta domestic violence attorney on your side can be crucial for securing your safety, protecting your children, and creating a new life free from abuse as quickly as possible. Consult the information below to learn what you can expect in a domestic violence case, then contact the Law Offices of Michelanne Hrubic for legal representation.

What Is Domestic Violence?

Many people mistakenly assume that domestic violence only refers to physical abuse, but this type of crime exists on a wide spectrum and can occur in many forms.In most cases, there are no signs at the beginning of a relationship that would indicate the abusive behavior to come, and the first abusive incident likely consists of emotional, psychological, or verbal abuse. The abuser may show remorse and promise it will never happen again, but statistics show this behavior only escalates as time goes on, becoming more severe and taking place more often.

What Is Considered a DV Abuse Case?

Domestic violence charges can be filed in response to any of the following types of abuse:

  • Physical Abuse: Physical abuse is the most obvious form of domestic violence because it often leaves evidence, ranging from cuts and bruises to broken bones or traumatic brain injuries. It can involve pushing, kicking, slapping, choking, shaking, biting, or other violent actions, either recklessly or intentionally, to inflict pain or injury. Trapping a victim inside the home or vehicle, blocking them from leaving, and preventing them from calling the police or seeking medical attention are also forms of physical abuse.
  • Sexual Abuse: Sexual abuse refers to coercing, pressuring, or forcing someone to perform sexual acts that they are not comfortable with. In relationships, it is usually a consistent pattern of behaviors designed to manipulate, intimidate, or threaten the victim in a sexual way to exert power and control over them.
  • Emotional Abuse: Although emotional abuse doesn’t cause physical damage, it can cause serious trauma that takes far longer to heal. Emotional abuse can include:
    • Constant criticism, insults,or name-calling
    • Patronizing, belittling, or publicly humiliating the victim
    • Using guilt and shame to control them
    • Blaming them for problems in the relationship
    • Denying the abuse or destroying evidence of it
    • Emotionally neglecting or isolating the victim
    • Prohibiting them from seeing other people
    • Accusing the victim of being the true abuser
  • Threats: Threatening refers to making the victim reasonably afraid that the abuser will harm them or someone else. Abusers may threaten to have the victim charged with a crime or committed to a mental health facility, harm themselves or commit suicide if the victim does not act the way they want, kidnap their children, or harm the victim’s family members or pets.
  • Harassment and Stalking: Harassment and stalking occur when abusers follow victims, constantly check up on them, make unannounced visits, refuse to leave when asked, or send unwanted communication through phone calls, text messages, emails, or social media posts. These actions are intended to intimidate, annoy, and frighten victims or cause other forms of emotional distress, and they are often accompanied by threats.

What Are the Steps in a Domestic Abuse Case?

The steps involved in a domestic violence case depend on the circumstances of the case but typically follow this sequence of events:

Step One: After receiving a domestic violence call, law enforcement officers will arrive on the scene and assess whether a crime has been committed.

Step Two: If there is a crime, these officers will make an arrest and relocate the offender to the country jail for intake.

Step Three: If the accused is not released, the prosecution may file pretrial motions and begin an investigation into the crime.

Step Four: Plea negotiations often occur after the pretrial motion hearings.

Step Five: If the case does not settle outside of court, a trial date will be set for court proceedings. You may have to testify against your abuser during this trial.

Step Six: If the defendant is convicted, the court issues a sentence including specific criminal penalties. These penalties can vary depending on the defendant’s criminal history, nature of the crime, and the severity of any injuries they caused.

Step Seven: If the defendant is not satisfied with the result of the trial, they may file an appeal.

Contact the Law Offices of Michelanne Hrubic for Domestic Violence Support

If you are experiencing domestic violence, contact the Law Offices of Michelanne Hrubic immediately. Our skilled and compassionate team of Murrieta domestic violence attorneys can help you find the resources you need to leave the situation, obtain a restraining order, file for divorce in Murrieta, and request custody of your children to protect them from the abuser. We understand that domestic violence cases can be emotionally devastating, and we are dedicated to offering comprehensive guidance and support during this difficult time.

Contact the Law Offices of Michelanne Hrubic today for more information on how we can help you get out of an abusive situation.Our firmcan protect your rights, ensure your voice is heard, and achieve a swift resolution in your case to help you move forward with a new life, free from fear and abuse.


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