Category Archives: Divorce



How to File for Divorce

Ending a marriage is typically difficult, both emotionally and legally. Making life-changing decisions while struggling with the emotional toll of divorce can be overwhelming. It is not uncommon for an individual confronted with divorce to have no idea how to actually start the process. It…

28Dec, 20

6 Great Reasons to Hire a Family Law Attorney (and What to Ask Them)

Divorce is never an easy experience. Some people rush to conclusions and wind up with dissatisfying divorce arrangements that impact their lives in unexpected ways. It’s vital to consider practical long-term issues during a divorce. Having the right legal representation can help you stay on…

13Oct, 20

The Coronavirus’ Impact on Marriages

The ongoing Coronavirus pandemic has had dramatic effects for everyday life. Millions of people have lost their jobs and face economic uncertainty in the face of the impact the Coronavirus has made on the global economy. Each state has enacted different policies to limit the…

08Jul, 20

Dealing with Divorce During the Global Coronavirus Pandemic

The United States, along with the rest of the world, is facing a global pandemic with COVID-19, a novel coronavirus that has affected almost every area of the world and aspect of life. With many local areas still requiring residents to stay home as much…

17Jun, 20

Mistakes to Avoid During the Divorce Process

If you are going through a divorce, you likely feel overwhelmed, anxious, frustrated or maybe even angry. Oftentimes, people make poor choices when they feel depressed, fearful or furious. Make sure that you avoid these mistakes while you go through the divorce process to ensure…

26Mar, 20
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